Thursday, September 9, 2010

A book

A dear friend of mine had a sister-in-law pass away of a disease that steals away your memories and your mind. When she saw what Memory Catcher does, we immediately started talking of the book that would be dedicated to her. She had to leave husband, children and a legacy of famiy and friends who loved and took care of her. I cannot wait to show the final product of the first Memory Catcher book since the one I did for my Mom.

I would love to make more and again, extend the invitation for a free book for my own personal experience. I hope to not make it sound as if the person has to be deceased in order to make a book. This is for anyone that would like to have a little bit of thier history recorded for future generations. There are alot of picture books out there...this would make a wonderful addition to that.

I'll keep everyone posted. Jamie, thank you so much for allowing me to do this for your family. I know we will be working on the 2nd one soon!