Thursday, September 9, 2010

A book

A dear friend of mine had a sister-in-law pass away of a disease that steals away your memories and your mind. When she saw what Memory Catcher does, we immediately started talking of the book that would be dedicated to her. She had to leave husband, children and a legacy of famiy and friends who loved and took care of her. I cannot wait to show the final product of the first Memory Catcher book since the one I did for my Mom.

I would love to make more and again, extend the invitation for a free book for my own personal experience. I hope to not make it sound as if the person has to be deceased in order to make a book. This is for anyone that would like to have a little bit of thier history recorded for future generations. There are alot of picture books out there...this would make a wonderful addition to that.

I'll keep everyone posted. Jamie, thank you so much for allowing me to do this for your family. I know we will be working on the 2nd one soon!

Friday, April 2, 2010

To try is to create...

I would love to help make a book for someone... To help create the gift like the one my family has of memories of my most wonderful mom. I have been trying to get the word out about Memory Catcher Books and since the organization of the book starts when a large gathering of people are together, which usually mean funerals, weddings, family reunions, etc. It has been a bit difficult.

I wanted to offer a free book to someone who emails me and has interest in having this precious Memory Catcher Book for thier family. Please email me your information if interested. Let's see if we can work something out.

In the mean time, I love questions, comments, and ideas! Send me any you would like to have answered.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Tell me about...

As I am just starting out, I have had a few friends ask about what the Memory Catcher book will look like. I will be posting some picture and small excerpts from the one and only book that I have done thus far- My Mom's. I would like to ask you to keep on asking! What do you want to know, what would you expect in a book and most importantly, spread the word (if you wouldn't mind...)

My thought is to post pictures and small excerpts from each book that I am privileged to make (with the family's permission of course). Thank you for your interest, thank you for your support! I really am blessed with such wonderful friends and family.

Stay tuned for the pictures and example of the book- and keep the questions coming!

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Beginning...

There always has to be one- right? Well this is mine. To introduce something that has been in the works (at least in the confines of my mind) for a very long time.
This first post is dedicated to my mother, Linda. Who, without her love, support and way she lived her life, this little dream of mine would not have been possible.

Why Memory Catcher?
When my mom passed away in 2001, one of my brothers asked for people to write down on a piece of paper a memory they had of our mother. Due to the circumstances of life in general, no one did. A few years later I had the very distinct feeling that this was something I needed to see to it's completion. Following a year of many hours of researching, writing and patience, I was able to present my family with the first "Memory Catcher Book" at Christmas 2005. It continues to be a gift to my family and something I cannot wait for my children to read to know and understand who their grandmother was and why she is so incredibly special.

What will my "Memory Catcher Book" look like?
The amount pages contained in the book will all depend on the willingness of people to provide information. I will do the research involved and the "leg-work" in order to make it as fulfilling and complete as possible. The beauty of the book is that it can be added to as new information comes forward and will contain blank pages at the back of the book to write on. In it's essence it could contain; stories, poems, quotes, song lyrics, pictures, etc. Anything that will help paint a picture for the reader about who the person was.

Can't I just do this myself?
Contrary to popular belief, this is NOT an easy task to undergo. The gathering of information, collecting of ideas, and organization of the memories is time consuming and requires an extreme amount of energy. By allowing me to help create this book it takes the time, effort, research and necessary writing out of your hands and allows you to use that time to be with your family, friends and loved ones.

How long will my Memory Catcher Book take to make?
This will vary as it may take longer for people to get the information back to me. I would expect a Memory Catcher Book to be completed within 4-6 weeks.

How much does this cost?
At this time there is not a set cost. It will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Please contact me with questions.

I hope this gives you an idea of what Memory Catcher is all about, what I am aiming to do and how it will give generations to come, a way to not only remember, but know a little bit more about our dearly departed.